2. Four Christmases/WB Wknd/$ 13.3 Total/$ 88.0
3. Twilight/Summit Wknd/$ 8.0 Total/$ 150.1
4. Bolt/Disney Wknd/$ 7.5 Total/$ 89.0
5. Australia/Fox Wknd/$ 4.3 Total/$ 37.9
6. Quantum of Solace/Sony Wknd/$ 3.8 Total/$ 157.7
7. Nothing Like The Holidays/Over Wknd/$ 3.5 Total/$ 3.5
8. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa/DreamW Wknd/$ 3.3 Total/$ 170.0
9. Milk/Focus Wknd/$ 2.6 Total/$ 7.6
10. Transporter 3/Lion’s Gate Wknd/$ 2.3 Total/$ 29.3
The Day The Earth Stood Still opens at number one and this is actually two movies: the first half, is a perfectly serviceable remake of a classic science fiction movie, while the second half is a piece of crap science fiction with lots of special effects and no logic. Now the original film was a very Cold War motivated film (this time it’s about the environment) whose message of peace was so out of place, the government refused to help them make it while they were filming in Washington D.C. It’s so well done you overlook some of the sillier aspects of the film, like only two guards on giant spaceship and robot in the nation’s capital. And believe it or not, I didn’t lose my geek shit over the announcement of a remake, because I was interested in seeing perhaps a more realistic take on government response and the role of our now 24/7 media. The movie immediately scored points with my by shifting the location from DC to New York, because why would you go DC if you wanted to speak to all the nations of the world? But some of the flaws of the original unavoidable, such as, if you have all this technology, why don’t you just broadcast to all nations of the world yourself? ‘Cause then you’d have no film. As I said, the first half is fine. Klaatu lands, the world freaks out, but in a nice modern touch, scientists are organized, not just the military. The stupid “shoot the alien” scene remains and it’s stupid because even amongst other countries the orders are always, “do not fire unless fired upon” but we’re going to risk an interstellar war from a guy offering a handshake? Even in the first they at least had device in his hand that could be mistaken as a weapon. Here it’s just contrived. But other than that, it’s still enjoyable---until it utterly falls apart in the second half. The title comes from the moment Klaatu stops all electricity on the earth to show them just who they’re fucking with. That still happens and you know what happens next? The credits roll. I shit you not. Unless a reel was missing from my theater, we’re just supposed to assume that the power comes back on and this teaches humanity a lesson, (otherwise they knocked us back into the dark ages). Well, that and Gort wiping out half of New Jersey. What makes the first film work is that Klaatu goes undercover and forms a human bond. Not here. Granted modern technology and attitude has the US Government putting out photos of Klaatu as one of America’s Most Wanted, so he can’t just blend in like the first film. But it doesn’t really matter since they made the decision to keep him as a total alien (something Keanu was born to do). He doesn’t really bond with Jennifer Connelly and her stepson. In fact, they make the stepson hostile to aliens, further hampering any sort of bonding moment, making Klaatu’s inevitable decision not to destroy the earth mystifying because we see absolutely no reason for him to change his mind. Another addition to this misstep is that there’s a second alien who has been here for 70 years and fathered children. Now he has a bond and even while he insists that humanity is beyond redemption, he will stay with them in their destruction because he loves them. Again, it would be different if he insisted we had the capacity for change, but he does not so I wonder what was even the purpose of his role. Watching this I got the feeling it was made by people who’d never really seen the original, but had only read a synopsis which is why they had zero idea of what made the first one work.
Four Christmases is down to number two and even more mysterious than the people who are still seeing this is that even at $88M, it still hasn’t turned a profit. The thing about Christmas movies about families is that your biggest expenses are the actors involved and fake snow. That’s it. There are no special effects and no one really cares about shooting on location. It’s all just one set of a house. Maybe two. So why did this cost $80M? Well, Vince Vaughn was proven last year to be one of the most profitable actors around, so you figure he’s getting $20M+ and Reese Witherspoon hit the highest paid actress mark a few years back at $25M, so we’re talking $40-50M before one foot of film has been shot! This means it’s pretty much a $40M film, which would have made double its cost by now. You could have hired Teri Polo and John Cusack and saved yourself a lot of money.
Twilight is down to number three and apparently the director isn’t coming back due to the fact she was “troublesome.” Now usually what that means with a woman is that she dared to have an opinion, but we’re not talking any major artistic talent here so eventually I predict you will find out that the studio had no idea what kind of back end deal she’d be getting for sequels (they’re already going to be coughing up eight figures to get the two leads back) and decided she had to go. Terrence Howard to cut loose from Iron Man for also being “troublesome” but as it turned out he was the highest paid cast member and they could get another Oscar nominated Black guy (Don Cheadle) a whole lot cheaper.
Bolt is down to number four and believe it or not, the hamster is voiced by a guy who actually looks like him (an animator who was only doing the voice temporarily but they liked it so much he got the gig). That’s hysterical, cute and very sad.
Australia is down to number five and somewhere Russell Crowe is laughing that he dropped out of this because they weren’t paying him enough. Until someone reminds him what he did do instead was Body of Lies.
Quantum of Solace is down to number six and it wasn’t until after the film was over that I realized that the name of the redheaded girl Bond sleeps with was Strawberry Fields. Take that you fuckers who think these new Bond films are too serious. I’m looking forward to such characters as “Abby Road” “Penny Lane” and of course “Eleanor Rigby.” And yes, they will all die in an interesting manner.
Nothing Like The Holidays opens at number seven and I will not see my beloved Debra Messing sullied by playing the wife of John Leguizamo. Where the fuck is Easi Morales? Benjamin Bratt? Not this fugly little bastard with his weird teeth. But what really turned me off was the exchange over the dinner table when she asks why are they all fighting? “They’re not fighting, they’re conversatin’” Oh, ho-ho-ho. The earthy wit of those passionate Latinos, learnin’ the silly White girl about how a real family behaves with made up words that supposedly better convey emotion that real ones. This is such sad fucking cliché that’s used constantly and it’s not always about race. This could just as easily be an exchange between a Jewish guy and his WASP girlfriend, the working class guy with his rich girlfriend, or the bohemian guy with his lawyer girlfriend. This is an utterly bankrupt imagination at work. And what the fuck is up with the casting? Elizabeth Pena and Albert Molina as John Leguizamo’s parents? They’re too young! Were Hector Elizondo and Maria Conchita Alonso too busy? And if Luis Guzman is also playing her son, we should just give them jet packs and ray guns because then it’s completely divorced from reality.
Madagascar: Back To Africa is down to number eight followed by Milk back into the top ten at number nine as its roll to Oscar glory continues. And apparently Sean Penn thinks he’s going to save Lindsay Lohan from herself. Given Penn always tends to go boff a younger woman whenever he separates from Robin Wright, I’d say he’s got another brief split on his mind in the near future.
Finally, The Transporter 3 closes out the top ten at number ten.
So apparently the new TV season never stops as Leverage started on TNT with yet another Oscar winning actor finding a new life on the small screen, Timothy Hutton. The basic premise is that he’s an ex-insurance investigator using a team of the very people he used to chase to right wrongs of evil corporations after his very own insurance company refused to cover the treatment to save his son’s life. The first episode was interesting enough, especially the team members of the insane thief and the hacker. Their flashbacks were high point of it all. With the thief we see her at six with her father telling her she’d either better not cross him or become a better thief as he takes her bunny. The next scene she’s standing outside hugging her bunny smiling---while her house blows up behind her, presumably with mom and dad inside. The computer hacker is shown at16 using Mick Jagger’s credit card in a luxury hotel where he’s filled it with hookers dressed as Princess Leia in the Slave Girl outfit fighting each other with light sabers. When security bursts in he says, “These are not the droids you’re looking for.” That he’s black only adds to his geek appeal for me. There are other team members, but not nearly as much fun. But their personalities aside, it turns into a con/heist flick and I hate those and cons and heists are what they’ll do in every episode. Also, in the pilot they’re doing it for money and revenge. First for money, then for revenge when they’re double-crossed. Now, they’ve all got millions but are doing this for the greater good? A bunch of people who are shown to be sociopaths? I don’t think so. I’m gonna have to be pretty desperate for entertainment for me to watch this again.
But you know what is good? Batman: Brave & The Bold on The Cartoon Network. This is the latest Batman animated series and they get progressively lighter each time, but they still manage to maintain the same level of quality. This is based on the longtime team-up book from DC Comics. It started off telling the stories of The Silent Knight and Robin Hood, then became a book about various superheroes who lacked their own book, as well as being a jumping off point for new creations like the Justice League of America and the Teen Titans. It later became a book teaming up various superheroes until ultimately becoming a book where Batman teamed up with various superheroes and sometimes supervillains. What makes this show work is that it is done just for fun and quite frankly had the best interpretation of Aquaman I’ve seen in a long time as a boisterous good-natured person who likes telling you the tales of his adventures, which he’s prone to naming rather obviously (his adventure with the sunken nuclear sub is called “The Adventure of the Sunken Nuclear Sub”). And for hardcore geeks, the art style is based on Dick Sprang, who help define the look of Batman in the 40’s and 50’s.
Now, two weeks in a row with the Jezebel girls is unusual. I mean, frankly I’m just too damn old do it, but one of the girls from online was going to be in town so we had little meet and greet and again I was forced to go to Brooklyn. I’m always late to these things because they take place on Friday and that’s my kung-fu night. This night in particular was the filming of a video to be shown on public access about our particular style. No, I’ll never tell you when it airs because I look particularly fat in my kung fu pants with the sash. Especially when standing next to one of the instructors, who looks like a combination of Taye Diggs and Don Cheadle and has absolutely no bodyfat as far as I can tell. After that, I ran down to the lower East Side to pick up the cupcakes I was bringing. Yes, those cupcakes. Those wonderful lemon cupcakes, which are probably why I look like a whale in my kung fu outfit. The gathering was also partially to cheer up another Jezebel whose boyfriend not only decided he wasn’t ready to be a father (she’s four months pregnant) but also that he’d been cheating on her. With other men. He’s also black and a cop. Yes, it’s one of those trashy “downlow” novels come to life and is so absurd you almost have to laugh. I promised her first choice of cupcakes because in my mind that cures everything. The Jezebel visiting from out of town had her own story as her father is a major honcho at an oil company in Alaska and utterly despises Sarah Palin’s husband because he’s basically a moron who was given a job as union rep as a political favor. She also thought I was 29, so she’s my bestest friend ever. But the best part of the night was that there were still cupcakes leftover. I’m eating one as I write this.
Because I’m not 29, I have no idea what the new music is and am so dependant on shows like Fearless Music and sadly, TV commercials, which is nothing short of embarrassing. People like me are how artists justify letting their stuff be used to sell shit. “Let It Rock” by Kevin Rudolph is used in the commercials for the new season of “24.” Apparently this was already a hit for the real kids, which is why I’m just finding out about it. His whole album sound pretty much like that and that’s okay by me. Sometimes all you want is half an hour of semi-cheesy pop rock with a slight hip-hop influence and that’s all it is. Now, Cornershop is nowhere near new and when I heard them a decade ago, I didn’t care for them. I thought they were a little too pop-cutesy. So imagine my surprise that’s them doing "Candyman" in the Nike commercial with LeBron James and from the very album I dismissed. Who knew an Indian guy from England in a pop band could get funky like that? I thought for sure because Lil’ Wayne is in the commercial that it was once of his songs. Ironically, Kevin Rudolph is on his label and he’s in that song.
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